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Personal Projects

In addition to the games below, please enjoy this writing sample for an upcoming tabletop card game design.

Shipwrecked Tabletop Game Rules Writing Example

Pocket Isekai (2023 In progress) 

Pocket Isekai is an RPG where the player guides a newly reincarnated hero across barren lands, gathering letters from their past to gain skills. Players explore and manage waves of undead using the skills they pick up and dodging telegraphed attacks. Players must use single target skills, healing skills, and area of effect skills cautiously to succeed. Skills are cast on a cool down system and can be picked up in any order while exploring. As the skills are quite powerful, they also require the hero to spend gold which can be found around the map. Learning how to use your skills and manage resources allows players to traverse further in each world's map. Dying sends players to a new map to be reincarnated again. Eventually, the players will master the three individual maps and use death as a mechanic to conquer those three realms and discover new skills. Completion of the three maps allows the players to fight the master of un-death who is behind the reincarnation and hordes of undead skeletons.

Yu-Gi-Oh TTRPG accompaniment app (October 2023- January 2024) 

This application was made in Unity to accompany my dream TTRPG which is set in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime universe. I have been working on a tabletop RPG for Yu-Gi-Oh for the past 3 years and discovered that the game would be more successful if people could access a digital character creator and dice roller application. This application would mean that players of the fan game didn't have to make the unique dice that the game uses. In addition, they gain a quick reference for abilities and a tracker for stats which change while playing at the table. The application was made in three months and I made sure to create all of my own UI artwork minus the Yu-Gi-Oh logo which was used as a temp asset since this is a fan project which is not for profit. During development I worked on UI design within the unity engine and scripting in C#.

You can download the current windows build on my development page here:

Easter Scramble Game Jam (2019)

This Easter themed game has players frantically trying to find and collect as many eggs as possible within the allotted time. You must explore, search through bushes, run frantically picking up eggs that spawn through out the map. The game also held secret hints which were scattered around the map, leading players to a final, crystal egg. This simple score attack game was made as a fun exercise in three days prior to sending it out to friends and family to celebrate Easter.

Space Shooter (2017)

As a student at Full Sail, Matthew worked tirelessly to master what he could learn of the Unity game development engine. Space Shooter is a simple scrolling game where you take control of a ship, fire at multiple waves of enemies and asteroids, and eventually encounter a final boss which has unique stages and firing types. The game also included unique pickups, shields, ammunition, and diverse enemies.

Angry Birds - Game Development Coursework (2016)

This was one of the earliest games created in class during Matthew's education at Full Sail University. This Angry Birds clone was made to study and replicate popular mechanics.

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